Anthony Masure is the Head of Research at HEAD – Genève (HES-SO). He is a graduate of the École Nationale Supérieure (ENS) of Paris-Saclay, where he studied design. He is a research fellow of the lab LLA-CRÉATIS at Toulouse – Jean Jaurès university. His research focuses on social, political and aesthetic implications of digital technologies. He cofounded the research journals Réel-Virtuel and Back Office. His essay Design et humanités numériques (Design and digital humanities) was published in 2017 by Les Éditions B42 (Paris). Website:

Anthony Masure and Guillaume Helleu present their research project that focuses on using video game platforms and cultures to explore the humanities and social sciences.

From user-centred design to design that removes
User-centred design has imposed itself solely on the development of computer interfaces and protocols. Far from being neutral, on the contrary, this approach to design is biased, because it is based on…

How much CO2 universities release?
Case study of a Talking Heads series lecture
The HEAD and the HEG have joined forces to develop a carbon calculator to measure the impact on the climate of the activities of the Universities of Applied Sciences and Arts (HES)…

Autopsy of an editorial experiment
HEAD – Publishing's multi-platform books collection Manifestes
The HEAD – Genève’s policy is to defend access to the knowledge it produces. To this end, the HEAD launched a new multi-media editorial unit called HEAD – Publishing, whose first collection,…

Principles for an open-ended artistic research
Statements by Anthony Masure and Doreen Mende
As a member of one of the signatory umbrella organizations of the Vienna Declaration on Artistic Research – the Society for Artistic Research (SAR) – the HEAD – Genève is indirectly linked…

Introduction – Le mémoire, une formation intellectuelle et sensible
An interview with Lysianne Léchot Hirt and Anthony Masure
Each year, the Master’s theses produced at the HEAD – Genève bear witness to great thematic, methodological and formal wealth. As mentioned by Lysianne Léchot Hirt and Anthony Masure (respectively head of…

Head to head V – Alexia Mathieu
Video profile of the Media Design Master head professor
Head to head is a series of filmed portraits of teachers, researchers, artists and designers active at the HEAD – Genève. The portraits allow them to speak about their often brilliant careers…

Towards an alternative design of artificial intelligence?
Douglas Edric Stanley and Jürg Lehni in interview with Anthony Masure*
Has the dominant tendency of neural networks (deep learning) drained all artificial intelligence cultures? In the field of creation, and more specifically design, how can we anticipate, if not derail, the uses…