Fabienne Radi writes (essays, fiction, poetry), makes artist editions (books, posters, discs) and teaches at the HEAD in Visual arts. Her initial background in geology gave her a love of layers, her brief foray into bibliothecography gave rise to a fondness for filing, and her late studies in art transformed her view on daily objects. Titles, creases, misunderstandings, haircuts, dentists and Paul Newman are recurrent motives in her work. Radi published Peindre des colonnes vertébrales (Sombres torrents, 2018), Holy etc. (art&fiction, 2018), C’est quelque chose (d’autre part, 2017), Cent titres sans Sans titre (boabooks, 2014), Ça prend : art contemporain, cinéma et pop culture (Mamco/Presses du Réel, 2013). Radi comes from Fribourg, lives in Geneva and frequently travels to Gruyère and Porrentruy.
The joy of writing and rewriting
An interview with Carla Demierre and Fabienne Radi
While remote teaching has momentarily transformed their common creative writing course into a podcast, Fabienne Radi and Carla Demierre nonetheless advocate for experiential learning: the experience of reading, writing and rewriting beyond…
Une lunch box dans la fable
Review of Fabienne Radi's Le déclin du professeur de tennis by Sylvain Menétrey
Fabienne Radi published two books in 2020: Émail diamant at Art&fiction and Le déclin du professeur de tennis at Sombres torrents. Sylvain Menétrey focuses on the latter, a collection of four short…
Oh, un diplôme
Un texte de Fabienne Radi où il est question de phonologie, de jury, de Grand Tour, de cernes et d’électroménager
The 2018-2019 school year in Visual arts ended with the traditional Grand Tour exhibition, which presented the diploma work of students in the Boulevard Helvétique, James Fazy and Général Dufour buildings, in…