Poetry, dance and theory are woven into Mabeuko Oberty’s work and life. Their trans*disciplinary journey spans diverse academic fields including medicine, linguistics, sociology-anthropology and pedagogy, informing their work as educator in schools and healthcare facilities and as a movement facilitator. Among the authors they have collaborated in translating into French are: Sara Ahmed, with Manuel rabat-joie féministe [The Feminist Killjoy Handbook] (La Découverte) and Vandalisme queer (Burn-Août), and Alexis Pauline Gumbs, with Non-Noyées. Leçons Féministes Noires Apprises Auprès des Mammifères Marines [Undrowned. Black Feminist Lessons from Marine Mammals] (Burn-Août et Les Liens qui Libèrent). Some of Mabeuko Oberty’s translation work is available on