Enseigner par le milieu
A text by Yann Chateigné
Upon entering his final year as Head of Visual Arts in September of 2017, Yann Chateigné addressed some of the key principles he had learnt during his eight years in the department.…
Upon entering his final year as Head of Visual Arts in September of 2017, Yann Chateigné addressed some of the key principles he had learnt during his eight years in the department.…
Exploring places in the world where Switzerland has played an active historical role, whether as a nation or through its nationals, the artist Denise Bertschi works on the notion of « Swiss…
The 2018-2019 school year in Visual arts ended with the traditional Grand Tour exhibition, which presented the diploma work of students in the Boulevard Helvétique, James Fazy and Général Dufour buildings, in…
Gene Ray (HEAD – Genève, HES-SO) calls for a post-modernism that would fully overcome capitalist modernity and its catastrophes. From a reading of Walter Benjamin’s Thesis on the Philosophy of History and…
In William Turner’s "Slavers Throwing Overboard the Dead and Dying, Typhoon Coming On" (1840), sublime, unrelenting nature meets the revolting behaviour of men treating other men as refundable commodities. Images of black…
Source of life or the « armed wing » of migration policies; object of contemplation for painters and object of fears for islanders; static or furious element, deceptive metaphor for commercial exchanges…
In English, the word “possession” has two divergent meanings, perhaps not quite accidentally. It’s earliest sense is taking possession or occupation, which becomes legal property. The second meaning is of a thing…
What if the abolition of slavery had given way to more sophisticated forms of servitude? Is it possible to detach the notion of liberty from the history of property that secured it?…
The artist Kader Attia shows the familial circumstances that led him to produce the Reason’s Oxymorons (2015) video installation, in which he explores the relationships between pyschopathology and belief. Through the story…
Every month, Ambroise Tièche excavates a notable lecture that was given at the HEAD – Geneva in a more or less distant past. Most of the video recordings he uses have never…