Respectability as a constrained political strategy: First steps towards an analysis of the Parisian trans movement of the 1990s

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At the end of the 1980s, in the wake of the long-awaited deployment of public policies to combat HIV, public authorities identified trans people as being particularly at risk, and initially funded prevention initiatives. However, far from marking the starting point for a policy that would include trans people on a long-term basis, the interest shown by health institutions in this category quickly faded, giving way to inaction and the spread of HIV for over a decade. This talk provides a basis for understanding the emergence and then the ebb of this issue, by presenting a joint analysis of the dynamics at work within the trans movements, the major HIV associations and the public authorities of the time. The talk presents the provisional results of a research currently being carried out as part of a PhD on mobilizations for the health of trans people in France, from the late 1970s to the late 2010s.