Dork Zabunyan Biography Dork Zabunyan, Professor of Cinema at Paris 8 Contents Cinema 30.09.2021 Film montage and its effects Montage is one of the privileged instruments of cinema for directing the attention and emotions of the spectators. Alfred Hitchcock, who defined himself as a director of spectators before being a director… Tags A 2 attention E 2 Eames 1 eye tracking F 1 facial recognition G 2 gaze L 1 Lev Koulechov M 1 mashup 1 mind control P 7 perceptions 3 propaganda S 2 subliminal image V 1 Vsevolod Poudovkine
Cinema 30.09.2021 Film montage and its effects Montage is one of the privileged instruments of cinema for directing the attention and emotions of the spectators. Alfred Hitchcock, who defined himself as a director of spectators before being a director…