Hélène Bézille is a Professor of Education Sciences at the University of Paris-Est-Créteil. She is a member of the LIRTES Laboratory (Interdisciplinary Research Laboratory on Transformations in Educational and Social Practices).
Bézille develops and monitors doctoral research on experiential learning, self-training, autodidacticism, so-called ‘informal’ learning, and everyday learning processes.
Her current research and interventions explore the role of these forms of learning in the creation and innovation processes.
Based, amongst other things, on biographies of both individual and collective learning processes, Bézille’s works are regarded as a contribution to the renewal of approaches to the ‘relationship to knowledge’ and, more broadly, to the renewal of notions of learning. She has notably published L’Autodidacte, entre pratiques et représentations sociales (2003, Paris: L’Harmattan) and Qu’apprendre de la formation des artistes de cirque? (2019, Paris: L’Harmattan) with Tony Froissart and Florence Legendre.