Ael Dallier Vega trained in editing at the prestigious Escuela Internacional de Cine y Televisiỏn in Cuba in the early 2000s. Since 2009, she has worked with numerous directors, including Mati Diop, Daniele Luchetti, Gabriel Abrantes, Benjamin Crotty, Pascal Tagnati, Pierre-Edouard Dumora, and Angela Ottobah, on feature films and shorts, including several first films. She has also edited documentaries for Marie Losier, Patrick Muroni, Jérôme Clément-Wilz and Pedro Gonzalez Rubio; contemporary art films for artists Philippe Parreno, Julien Prévieux and Brice Dellsperger; and video clips for Amadou et Mariam, Tinariwen and Cuban music groups. As an editor, she has collaborated with the dance company Pietragalla, as well as with journalists Charles Emptaz and Stéphanie Lamorré.