Lisa Divorne Biography BA student in Interior design Contents Space design, BA in Interior design 05.05.2023 Social networks as a space of representation As part of a course dedicated to the Theory of Representation, first-year Bachelor’s students in Interior Architecture provided chromatic analyses, or analyses of the programming and utilisation, of Tik Tok, Instagram, Pinterest,… Tags E 1 expanded media G 7 gender I 2 influencers 3 Instagram L 1 Lev Manovich R 5 representation S 4 social networks 2 stereotype T 1 Twitch 1 Twitter V 11 video game
Space design, BA in Interior design 05.05.2023 Social networks as a space of representation As part of a course dedicated to the Theory of Representation, first-year Bachelor’s students in Interior Architecture provided chromatic analyses, or analyses of the programming and utilisation, of Tik Tok, Instagram, Pinterest,…