Yves Corminboeuf graduated in industrial design from the Lausanne Canton Art School in 1997. He also has degrees in sustainable development from the University of Geneva and ETH Zurich. His professional experience led him into the field of furniture, stage and product design from his own office. He has since been working on projects related to design and sustainability. Since 2005 he has been a lecturer at HEAD-Geneva (HES-SO) on design methodology, sustainable development and materials.

Design creation and sustainability
Some concepts for a less harmful design conception
Yves Corminboeuf is a pioneer of sustainable design in Switzerland. A lecturer and delegate for sustainability at HEAD, he helps numerous organisations to take into account the ecological issues specific to their…

How much CO2 universities release?
Case study of a Talking Heads series lecture
The HEAD and the HEG have joined forces to develop a carbon calculator to measure the impact on the climate of the activities of the Universities of Applied Sciences and Arts (HES)…