Christophe Kihm is a professor at the HEAD – Geneva and a freelance critic and curator. He has conducted research on subjects including the artistic practices of the archive; the action arts; teaching methods in the teachings of art; and experimentation in the arts. More recently, Kihm was included, on behalf of the HEAD, in the ArTeC research project “Politique de la distraction” (2017-19), in partnership with the ESTCA (Université Paris 8) and the Ensad (Ecole nationale supérieure des Arts Décoratifs, Paris). Kihm was also included in the “Action 2: observer” programme (2018-19), in partnership with the Ecole de la Manufacture (Lausanne) and the HEM (Haute école de musique, Geneva). Kihm is the main applicant for the “Habiter l’espace extraterrestre” research programme (2019-21), conducted in partnership with the Cnes (Centre national d’études spatiales, Paris) and subsidized by the FNS (Fonds national suisse de la recherche scientifique). These various research projects gave way to publications, publications supervisions, and periodicals’ special issues. A partial bibliography is available on the Archives de la critique d’art’s website:

Observation, description, reproduction
The Badaboum collective was created in 2018 in Geneva during a workshop delivered as part of the [inter]action major in Visual Arts. Until 2020, Badaboum carried out a whole series of experiments,…

Auto-reverse learning: Daniel Johnston and recording
A podcast by Christophe Kihm
Portrayed as an absolute oddity, both solitary and providential, the American singer-songwriter and cartoonist Daniel Johnston (1961-2019) has often been labelled an outsider, ‘naïve’ and ‘crude,’ by artistic historiography. Based on readings…

Défiler le défilé
In this introductory text, Christophe Kihm addresses the formal logic of the fashion show. The French term for fashion show, “défilé”, refers to a narrow pass in a mountain which people walked…

The Alien and the Alibi
A text by Christophe Kihm
Christophe Kihm (HEAD – Genève, HES-SO) outlines the history of extra-terrestrial life representations through a series of scientific, philosophical and artistic speculations. The field Kihm calls “alienology” — which is intended to…