Vanessa Cimorelli lives and works in Geneva. She graduated from both HEAD – Geneva in visual communication (with a major in “image-récit”) and the University of Lausanne in English literature, linguistics and social sciences; currently she continues her studies at the CCC Research-Based Master Program at HEAD – Genève, focusing on questions of corporeality, storytelling and digital spaces.
Other Monuments Should Stay: Resistance in Squats and Counter-Cultural Spaces in Geneva
By Vanessa Cimorelli, Joséphine Devaud, Daniela Gutiérrez-González, Lorelei Regamey and Mikhail Rojkov
For 25 years, Geneva benefited from a squat scene that was rich and crucial, both socially and culturally. The squats were occupied under various legal arrangements, defying real-estate speculation. The authors of…
Talking Heads – Challenging Cybernetic Conspiracy
A lecture by Bahar Noorizadeh
This Talking Heads delocalised online gave the floor to artist and researcher Bahar Noorizadeh, who considers the alternatives that stem from art and art-research to block the machine-mania running our future. To…