Film montage and its effects
Bombarded! The Power of Images: the Eames’ Awareness Show
Lecture: Alexandra Midal
Alexandra Midal examine une œuvre méconnue des designers américains Ray et Charles Eames qui ont créé des projections immersives conçues à partir d’associations constamment renouvelées des mêmes images et disséminant des contenus et des messages. Les Awareness Show des Eames se sont développés au moment où l’armée américaine, sur fond de Guerre froide, travaillait à l’implantation d’images subliminales dans ses laboratoires.
Alexandra Midal examines a little-known work by the American designers Ray and Charles Eames, who created immersive projections from the constantly renewed associations of the same images disseminating content and messages. The Eames’ Awareness Show was developed at a time when the American army worked on subliminal-image-implantation programmes during the Cold War.
To montage is (almost) always to re-montage
Lecture: Dominique Chateau
Never is the poiesis of montage an ex-nihilo creation. In addition to combined elements extracted from reality, the montage works on readymade fragments. There is no such thing as creating, only recreating…
The eye and the cut: what “eye tracking” does to editing
Lecture: Dork Zabunyan
Dork Zabunyan examines how “eye tracking” tackles what, by definition, usually escapes the fixation of the gaze, namely the cut separating two sequences of animated images.
Film montage and its effects
Round table with Dominique Chateau, Dork Zabunyan and Alexandra Midal.
Moderated by Bertrand Bacqué