Clovis Maillet is an artist and historian. He is the author of a PhD on medieval hagiographic kinship written at the School for Advanced Studies in the Social Sciences (EHESS) under the supervision of Jean-Claude Schmitt and specialises in the topics of gender and kinship in medieval societies. His post-doctoral research has led to the publication of numerous academic articles and a book (Les Genres Fluides, de Jeanne d’arc aux saintes trans, Paris 2020). He has conducted research on the uses of history in contemporary art which has led to a video project (Witch TV, 2021) and a book (Un Moyen Age Emancipateur, with Thomas Golsenne, Paris, 2021). With Louise Hervé, he works with performance and installation art as well as creates films and exhibitions. Clovis Maillet has also collaborated with several other artists and choreographers. He is a lecturer and Head of the Work.Master Contemporary Artistic Practices with Krzysztof Kosciuczuk at HEAD – Genève (HES-SO). At HEAD, Clovis Maillet is conducting research on the history of trans art over the long term in the context of the seminar Art and History of Transforming.
Écrire l’histoire trans*
Trans history grows in the interstices and in-betweens of institutions, disciplines and countries. It appears as an intellectual space that blends a great diversity of forms of writing, materials, contexts, and positions.…
Eugenix, Hyacynth and Protus, Trans* and Eunuchs in Roman Catacumbs
Can we make trans history before the emergence of first-person narratives, and before the very conceptualization of trans issues? The hypothesis this paper develops is that the study of premodern gender transitions…
The Long History of Trans Identities
Building trans archives, historicizing gender
We have heard enough from the people who complain about an “epidemic of transgenders.” This harmful termcompares being trans with a contagious illness and ignores an entire swath of history. The controversies…