David Zerbib is a lecturer in Philosophy of Art at HEAD – Genève (HES-SO). He has taught Aesthetics and the Philosophy of Art in different academic contexts, as at the University of Paris 1 or at EnsAD Paris (École nationale supérieure des Arts Décoratifs). He teaches also at ESAAA-Annecy, where he has developed collaborative artistic research practices. Member of AICA (International Association of Art Critics), he writes on contemporary in catalogues and reviews. An associated member of the Centre d’Histoire des Philosophies modernes de la Sorbonne, his researches focus on contemporary aesthetics, performance theory and the issue of format. Among his publications in English on these topics one could mention: “Performance Knots: Crossed Threads of Anglo-American Thought and French Theory” in Inter Views in Performance Philosophy. Crossings and Conversations (A. Street, J. Alliot and M. Pauker Eds., London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2017), or the book he co-edited with A. Citron and S. Aronson-Lehavi: Performance Studies in Motion, International perspectives and practices (London: Bloomsbury, 2014). He also recently published, with the artists Sylvie Boisseau and Frank Westermeyer, Playing at being human. Between AI, animal and plant life, an artistic and philosophical experiment (e-book, Berlin: Naima / HEAD, 2021).

The milieu is the message.
Digital materialities and the new theatre of visual operations
Today there is a plane on which the battle of images is raging, an infra-iconic plane on which the fate of images and of those who look at them – but also…

AIAIA Sweatshop
The AIAIA Sweatshop exhibition (held from May 17 to June 21, 2024 at the artist-run space àDuplex, in Geneva) explored through the means of art, behind the media resonances of the acronym…

The artwork’s ecosystem and the materiality of the world
The notion of ‘ecosystem’ finds a strong echo in contemporary artistic practices. Influenced by the neo-materialist approach, which challenges the primacy of the subject and considers matter to be endowed with vitality,…

Jouer à être humain
An interview with Sylvie Boisseau, Frank Westermeyer and David Zerbib
Sylvie Boisseau, Frank Westermeyer and David Zerbib publish the ebook Jouer à être humain (Playing at being human), the result of a two-year research project (HEAD – Genève, HES-SO) which brings together…