Finding Hannah, Fein Games

ISSUE #22 – Playing with Stories that Matter

After a first series of talks focused on the video game industry in Switzerland taking place at HEAD – Geneva in March 2022, the symposium Playing with Stories that Matter: How Narration Drives Innovation in Game Design aimed to delve into the ways in which narrative propels innovation in game design. ISSUE publishes the video recordings of the various talks.

By employing narratives, tensions, and gameplay, games offer us a lens to comprehend the complexities of our contemporary societies. To thoroughly explore this intriguing theme, the symposium was structured around various chapters, each delving into distinct aspects of the role of narrative in video games.

The symposium was held on October 12, 2023 and was organized by Alexia Mathieu, head of the Master Media Design, with the help of Delphine Jeanneret, lecturer in the Cinema department, and the valuable support of the Hasler Foundation.

Image de couverture : Finding Hannah, Fein Games, 2023

Finding Hannah

The Purpose of Making Games

Jessica Forever

The Influence of Video Games on Cinema



Knit's Island

The Off-Screen and Its Double

Pang Pang Club

Making Stories Together

Amami My Friend, 2021

Telling Stories with Robots

(c) Younès Rabii

Why Oatmeal is Cheap: A Fundamental Theorem for Designing Procedural

Restless, Emily Short

Interactive Design as Creative Discipline