Transmuting Black Sonic Entities
An excerpt from Jazil Santschi’s CCC master thesis, “Transmuting Black Sonic Entities. The Necessary Voices of a Culture in the Making”.
An excerpt from Jazil Santschi’s CCC master thesis, “Transmuting Black Sonic Entities. The Necessary Voices of a Culture in the Making”.
This contribution explores the reality of trans children’s lives, the social contexts in which they evolve, their games and their emotions; but also trans children’s struggles, the strategies and spaces of autonomy…
Could we learn to grieve without fetishizing our dead (human or more-than-human)? Could we spend more time with our dead without making them into “steps” in the advancement of other causes?
Medical violence is central to the narration of our past and present trans experiences, and also structures the way trans hirstory is collected, constructed and told, both epistemologically and materially. Drawing on…
Invisibilisation, erasure, dispossession; numerous are the forms of incompleteness affecting trans* archives. Writing a compensatory or reparative trans* history often proves to be the solution. However, other archival strategies and practices –…
This talk presents the provisional results of a research currently being carried out as part of a PhD on mobilizations for the health of trans people in France, from the late 1970s…
Through a methodology based on Oral History interviews and archival research, this communication focuses on the theatrical strategies developed by trans activists to platform their revendications in France. It centers the analysis…
Borrowing the expression hirstory from the artist Chris Vargas, the conference Trans Hirstory and Art, whose proceedings we publish in this dossier, aimed to create spaces for a plurality of approaches towards…
This issue brings together contributions that question the materialities of digital technologies, and the ecological, class, racial and gender concerns that run through them.
Today there is a plane on which the battle of images is raging, an infra-iconic plane on which the fate of images and of those who look at them – but also…